Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Kids' Group Encourages the Kids and Takes the Pressure off the Parents

That is what the goal of the Kids Groups is. We truly want to be a part of the solutions in your life as you walk through your recovery process. No matter what the issues are that surround you in your life. We want to help! Here are a couple of lists of things that we help the kids to know so that the pressure is relieved from them also:

these are taken from a book called "Kids' Power: Healing Games for Chrildren of Alcoholics"

The Four C's

I didn't CAUSE it

I can't CONTROL it

I can't CURE it

But I can learn how to COPE with it

The Five S's

I didn't START the issue

I can't STOP it

I don't have to SUFFER with it

I don't have to feel SHAME because of it

I can SAVE myself in spite of it

These are important lessons for the kids to learn and it would be important lessons for you to learn also.

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