Saturday, February 9, 2008

My brothers eyes were SOoooooBig

This the story of a black eye, and it is also a confirmation that what our children, your kids mom and dad are learning on Thursday night at Confident Kids is working to change behavior and help them to develope healthy life here it is for your pleasure and ours.

One of the boys came into the small group time and one of the coaches noticed he had a black eye....he said "did I do that to you last week?" :) such a clever way to get to what happened, the little guy looked up and laughed and said "NO! it was my litle brother, we had a fight and he punched me, but I did not hit back" the coach said "wow that was a good choice" he continued "I wanted to hit him back, I had my fists ready, but, I remembered I could STOP! and do a breath hand up out in front of him, I could THINK it throughindex finger to temple and I could GOmake a different choice, and that is what I did, but my brothers eyes were bugging really big, because he thought I was going to hit him back!

Anger Management Skills that is what we are learning right now and it is so wonderful to have a story like this to share with all of you.....How is it going with you and your Anger Management? Anger is not a bad thing, but acting out in it in ways that are inappropriate are....learn as the kids are that there are ways, we call them reducers, to walk through when you feel the anger rising. In this way you will be modeling good behavior and you will changing and improving your own behavior.

blessings Diane K Reynolds

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