Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mission Trip

There is going to be a trip to Camden New Jersey in the month of June.....we will return to this inner city ministry and bring to them a 4 day program, do at least one community extreme make over and perhaps some training of the staff there in the procedures of Confident Kids Programming.

Last year's trip is one that none of us will forget for a very long time.

Check back on this blog for further postings about fund raisings and dates and scheduling
Diane K Reynolds
Pastor/Director of Recovery Ministries

email me any questions


Robin said...

Diane, please count me in. My birthday is June 30th and I can't think of a better gift. I do need to know how much $ I should start saving as $ is what would keep me from going.

Confident Kids at Church on the Hill said...

I will work on that part as soon as I have a definite number, as that will affect the price.

Anita said...

Unfortunately, we will not be able to go. Steven has a Relay event already scheduled during that time. Our hearts will be with you!